• Writing

    A New Idea

    Noir by Bo47, on Flickr
    Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  Bo47 

    While I was brushing my teeth this morning, this popped into my head pretty much fully formed. I wanted to get some of it down. Does it sound like something that would be fun to read?

    It’s deliberately done in a very noir style, and the name of the private eye is . . . well, I’ll leave it as an exercise. :)

    The subject is this guy Charming. Calls himself a prince. According to the missus—nice lady named Ella—he’s anything but. She thinks he’s a two-timing sack of soot. Hired me to follow him, find out where he goes.

    Name’s Miles Maltese. I’m a private eye. In Fairy.

    I was in my office finishing up the Gruff case when she walked in. First thing I noticed were her shoes. Well, okay, the second thing I noticed were her shoes. Made of glass. Very unusual. Made little tinking noises as she walked across the floor.

    “Those look uncomfortable,” I said.

    “Mr. Maltese?” she said, and I could tell she was about to bolt.

    “Have a seat, ma’am,” I said, and I got up and helped her sit in the only other chair in my office. I sank into my chair behind my desk. “How can I help you, Miz . . . ?”

    “My—My name’s Ella. Ella Charming.” She took a handkerchief out of her purse and used it to dab at her eyes. “I—I understand that you help people with, um . . . sensitive problems.”

    I can kind of see a whole series of these, each one based on a different fairy tale, of which there are hundreds to choose from. :)

    I’m actually pretty excited about it, which doesn’t often happen, and I’m having to force myself to actually go to work or I’d sit here all day and fiddle with this.