Podcasts I Listen To

I first discovered podcasts back in 2006. At work, I did a thing and it got recognized, and I was nominated for and won a recognition award for my hard work. Part of that award was an iPod. I had an iPod but it was a Nano, which only held about 2G of stuff, and what I mostly had on it were audiobooks. So here I was suddenly with an iPod Classic with 320G of storage. What would I do with all that storage?

I started slow. I had heard of these “pod-casts” (say it like someone tasting the word for the first time ever), but had no idea what they were. I had a vague notion that they were low-quality and amateurish. I searched and found something called Skepticality. It was very much not low-quality, nor was it amateurish.

At the time, I was very much into the Skeptical community, and when I realized there were podcasts related to it, Skepticality wasn’t the only one, it was just the first of many. Then I discovered Grammar Girl. And not long after that, the obsession — nay, addiction — set in.

These days, when I’m engaged in activities during which writing would be dangerous or at the very least bad for me (driving, showering, working, exercise), I’m usually listening to podcasts. If you don’t know what a podcast is, what time frame have you traveled here from, and how did you find my page? I kid, I kid! I know podcasts are not necessarily “mainstream.”

In case you don’t know, podcasts are like radio shows that are recorded and can then be downloaded onto whatever device you like, and then listened to on your own schedule. Or they can be like audiobooks. Or videos. They can be strongly about a single topic or generally about whatever pops into the host(s)’s head(s). They can be entertaining or informative. Or they can be just two guys talking into microphones about nothing (picture Seinfeld, only it’s just Jerry and George or Kramer or Elaine sitting in a room talking for a period of time, and you’re watching / listening).

I listen to so many on so many varied topics that I’ve curated them into smart playlists by podcast, and again by smart playlist for subject matter, and again by smart playlist for length (sometimes I only have 10 minutes, and it’s nice to be able to go to my “< 10 minutes” playlist and go from there). What follows is my list of podcasts I subscribe to by subject matter (Genre). And within each genre, the sort might change. From time to time. Alphabetic, usually, but don’t be surprised if it’s something else. :)

I have to tell you this last little bit, because it shows how my brain works. I try to make order out of chaos. Hence these lists. I kept track of them in a huge spreadsheet, which is how I first noticed that I had a lot of ‘True Crime’ podcasts, and that they needed their own subcategory. But the list on this site was originally made — painstakingly — by hand. Which meant I never updated it because doing that would take away time I could use writing listening to podcasts.

In a fit of annoyance, I thought, “I wish I had a way to automate the creation of the table!”

And that snide, oh-so-annoying voice in my head said, “Dummy. You’re a software engineer. You design software for a living. Capisce?” (I don’t know why my inner voice speaks with an Italian mobster dialect, but it does. Don’t judge me.)

So, I wrote a little program in C# that took my Excel spreadsheet (kinda) and generated something similar to the table you see below, beginning with the “Podcasts by Genre.” It counted them for me, arranged all the bold and italic and strike-through and the hovertext. With that simple application, I could regenerate this page whenever I felt like it. And although I spent about twelve hours over the course of two days (Weekend days, I might add!) working on this to the exclusion of all else, it only took about 10 minutes to output the spreadsheet and run the program to generate this page. And 9 minutes 45 seconds of that 10 minutes was saving the individual sheets of the spreadsheet in a form my program could read. :)

Then…Apple — IN. ITS. INFITIE. WISDOM. — decided that iTunes was too good. It worked too well for too many people. “How,” they must have mused, “can we completely destroy iTunes so that no one will be able to get any use out of it?”

So they brainstormed it and discarded anything that had any sort of use until someone — Lucifer himself, I’m sure — suggested, “I know!” — and here, he must have chortled most evilly — “Let’s take away smart playlists! And, for that matter, playlists altogether! And tell our users that…oh, let’s call them ‘stations’!…are the same thing as smart playlists!” And here, I’m sure he paused to laugh so hard, sulfurous fumes poured out his nose, and all those present joined in, slapping their knees in pure joy. “And this way, we make it truly official that we care not a single iota about podcasts! I mean, they’re not making us any money, right?” And yea, verily, all at Apple thought it was a great idea, and thus was ‘Apple Podcasts’ thrust, unwanted, uncelebrated, untested, unloved, upon an unsuspecting world.

Now, you may be getting the feeling, here, that I’m not overly enthused about “Apple Podcasts.” Heh. “Not overly enthused” is…definitely…a phrase. That might apply. If one were so egregiously understating that…let’s put it a different way.

I would say that ‘Apple Podcasts’ is the Poltergeist II of the app world.

No, worse! It is the Matrix II.

No! I have it, now! Worse still, it’s the Highlander II of the app world!

(And yes, I know that The Highlander never had any sequels, but if it had, how very awful they would have been.)

So I searched around and found an app called Overcast that does…almost everything I need it to do. It has playlists and smart playlists, it allows me (a premium user who pays for the privilege) to upload my own files to the app (for back episodes of long-forgotten podcasts that I have stored on my hard drive). I duplicated, as best I could, the setup I had in iTunes.

The only thing Overcast did not do that I needed for it to do was allow me to create smart playlists based on something other than lists of podcasts. Like length or genre or whatever.

You know that little voice I mentioned earlier? The one that has an Italian mobster accent? Yeah, it spoke up again. “Yo, fannullone, remember that little talk we had? You’re a freakin’ software developer. Write your own, you perditempo!” (My inner voice has somehow gotten more Italian mobsterish over time.)

So, as I type this sentence in late July, 2021, I have spent the better part of over a year — in my copious spare time — doing just that. It’s called PodCatcher, because I’m really bad at naming things. It’s not for public consumption and I don’t ever plan on it being for public consumption. This is 1) a project of love, 2) specific to how I used iTunes to curate podcasts, with some changes I wanted iTunes to make but they never did (because Apple clearly hated their users), and 3) allows me to learn more about C# programming on a project I actually care about.

And one of the things I literally just recently (finally) added to the application is the ability to output my curated podcasts in the format needed for below. And because I am the developer, I can’t bitch, moan, and complain that it doesn’t work like I want it to, because I can just open the code, change it, and then make it work like I want it to.

It’s good to be the king.

So now, it only takes about one minute to generate the HTML code to display the part of the page below “Podcasts by Genre.”


Entries will have the following form:

PodcastName {#UnheardEpisodes} (Creator) MostRecentEpisodeDate [Frequency] [Link]
If you see… It means…
An Underlined Title The description of the podcast will pop up in a little window if you hover over it. Give it a try to the left. Hover your mouse over ‘An Underlined Title.’
A Bold Title There is a (often vast) backlog of episodes that I’m listening to to catch up to current. To the right of name is the {number} of episodes in said backlog.
A Crossed-Out Title The podcast is “on hiatus,” whether announced or not. In other words, it may be between “seasons,” or it may have just sort of stopped without any sort of announcement, and is probably dead. I still subscribe, just in case.
A Normal Title This is a live podcast, currently in production, and I’m caught up, listening to new episodes as they go live (within a week or so, usually).
Green background (Current) I have listened to all available episodes and listen live to new ones as they release
Yellow background (Both Ends) I listen to new episodes as they come out, but there are older episodes I have not caught up on, and I’m actively trying to do so.
Red background (Archive) I occasionally listen to episodes, but I mostly store them for listening later.
Blue background (Trial) I’m trying these out and am unsure whether I’ll continue to listen.
Purple background (CatchUp) I’m downloading new ones, but only listening from the beginning. Usually a serial situation.

And those “stack,” by the way; I could have a bold, struck-out title with an underline. Meaning it is on hiatus but I have a backlog, and you can see the description if you hover.

Podcasts by Genre(334 total podcasts; 22373 total unheard episodes; 2494d 21h 56m 48s total listening time):

  1. Comedy (7 podcasts; 150 unheard episodes; 1d 23h 27m 45s total listening time)

    These are podcasts that exist primarily for the purpose of getting a laugh.

      Nobody Listens to Paula Poundstone (Lipstick Nancy, Inc. & Glassbox Media) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Mike Birbiglia’s Working It Out (Mike Birbiglia) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! (NPR) 4/6/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Geologic Podcast (George Hrab) 4/3/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      QEZ (Airship) 4/1/2024 [Unknown] [Link]
      Bugle, The {57} (The Bugle) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Says You! {93} (Pipit & Finch) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  2. Education (45 podcasts; 1589 unheard episodes; 22d 10h 24m 15s total listening time)

    The primary purpose of an episode is to impart knowledge or teach the listener something. Often done in an entertaining way, so a number of these could fall in other categories such as ‘Entertainment,’ ‘Science,’ or ‘Writing.’

      Search Engine (PJ Vogt, Audacy, Jigsaw) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      History Daily (Airship | Noiser | Wondery) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Kevin Stroud (Kevin Stroud) 4/11/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Everything Everywhere Daily (Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Freakonomics Radio (Freakonomics Radio + Stitcher) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Folklore Podcast, The (Mark Norman) 4/10/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Nutrition Diva, The (QuickAndDirtyTips.com, Monica Reinagel) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Savvy Psychologist, The (QuickAndDirtyTips.com) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Our Fake History (PodcastOne) 4/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Try This (The Washington Post) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Grammar Girl (QuickAndDirtyTips.com) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Modern Mentor (QuickAndDirtyTips.com) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Skeptoid (Brian Dunning) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      What It’s Like To Be… (Dan Heath) 4/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Way with Words, A (Hosted by Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett. Produced by Stefanie Levine.) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Economics of Everyday Things, The (Freakonomics Network & Zachary Crockett) 4/7/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Herbarium of the Bizarre (Meredith Hemphill) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Change Academy (Monica Reinagel) 4/5/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Addendum (Dan Carlin) 4/4/2024 [Bimonthly] [Link]
      Safe For Work (Wondery) 4/4/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Subtitle (Quiet Juice) 4/4/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Because Language (Daniel Midgley, Ben Ainslie, and Hedvig Skirgård) 3/31/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      History of English Podcast, The (Kevin Stroud) 3/25/2024 [Semimonthly] [Link]
      Lingthusiasm (Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne) 3/21/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Lexicon Valley (Lexicon Valley) 3/18/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Bone and Sickle (Al Ridenour) 3/16/2024 [Semimonthly] [Link]
      Whole 9 Yards {104} (Big Science Pods) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Tides of History {133} (Wondery / Patrick Wyman) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Let’s Learn Everything! {26} (Maximum Fun) 4/11/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Revisionist History {18} (Pushkin Industries) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Pseudo-Archaeology {72} (Andrew Kinkella) 4/10/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Myths and Legends {191} (Jason Weiser, Carissa Weiser, Nextpod) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Problem Squared, A {19} (Matt Parker & Bec Hill) 4/8/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Data Over Dogma {13} (Daniel McClellan and Daniel Beecher) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Myths Your Teacher Hated Podcast {53} (M. C. Williams) 4/7/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      No Stupid Questions {21} (Freakonomics Radio + Stitcher) 4/6/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      World in Words, The {204} (The World in Words) 4/4/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Darknet Diaries {92} (Jack Rhysider) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      You Are Not So Smart {55} (You Are Not So Smart) 3/30/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Huberman Lab {196} (Scicomm Media) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Constant, The {116} (Mark Chrisler) 4/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Secretly Incredibly Fascinating {192} (Alex Schmidt) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      It’s a Continent {69} (W!ZARD Studios) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Countdown to Dallas {15} (Paul Brandus, Evergreen Podcasts) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  3. Entertainment (36 podcasts; 2651 unheard episodes; 35d 19h 41m 55s total listening time)

    The primary purpose of an episode is to entertain the listener. The line can get very blurry between ‘Education’ and ‘Entertainment,’ sometimes. Which one I put a podcast in is entirely how I feel about the entertainment content of the podcast.

      It’s Going To Be OK (Feelings & Co) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Song of the Day – KEXP (KEXP) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Song of the Day – The Current (Minnesota Public Radio) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Lore (Aaron Mahnke) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Song of the Day – KUTX (KUT & KUTX Studios) 4/10/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      My Unsung Hero (Hidden Brain) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Allusionist, The (Helen Zaltzman) 4/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Hidden Brain (Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Radiolab (WNYC Studios) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Ungeniused (Relay FM) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      American Innovations (Wondery) 4/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Kind World (WBUR) 3/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Grim & Mild Presents (iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild) 1/31/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Story Collider, The {250} (Story Collider, Inc.) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      No Such Thing As A Fish {257} (No Such Thing As A Fish) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Aaron Mahnke’s Cabinet of Curiosities (iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild) 4/11/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      99% Invisible {60} (Roman Mars) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Maximum Fun Personalized Bonus Content {438} (Maximum Fun) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Inquiring Minds {167} (Indre Viskontas) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Freaky Folklore {8} (Eeriecast Network) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Radio Diaries {166} (Radio Diaries & Radiotopia) 4/4/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      memory palace, the {40} (Nate DiMeo) 4/4/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Kitchen Sisters Present, The {195} (The Kitchen Sisters & Radiotopia) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Benjamen Walker’s Theory of Everything {19} (Benjamen Walker & Radiotopia) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Terrible, Thanks For Asking {104} (Feelings & Co.) 4/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Dead Pilots Society {19} (Ben Blacker and Andrew Reich) 3/28/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Sporkful, The {69} (Dan Pashman and Stitcher) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Devil’s Trap {125} (Don’t Be A Dick Productions) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Psychologists Are In, The {70} (Cloud10) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Office Ladies {150} (Earwolf & Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Rewatcher: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The {58} (Wondery | Morbid Network) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Buffering the Vampire Slayer {200} (Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      I’ve Heard It Both Ways {66} (Billy D) 3/24/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      MASHmouth {41} (Valiantly Off Balance) 3/22/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Between the Shadows {36} (Christen and Cara Tillitz) 3/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Northern OverExposure Podcast {113} (Northern OverExposure Podcast) 2/26/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  4. Fiction (25 podcasts; 2992 unheard episodes; 40d 8h 21m 24s total listening time)

    A single, contained (shorter – drabble, flash, short stories, novelettes, and novellas) story in a single episode, whether that be 5 minutes or 3 hours. Usually read by one person, and without music or sound effects. Just a good, old-fashioned reading of a story.

      Knifepoint Horror (Soren Narnia) 4/12/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Sudden Fictions (Various) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      PseudoPod (Escape Artists Foundation) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Escape Pod (Escape Artists Foundation) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      PodCastle (Escape Artists, Inc) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Nighty Night with Rabia Chaudry (PodcastOne | Rabia Chaudry) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      LeVar Burton Reads (LeVar Burton and Stitcher) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Cast of Wonders (Escape Artists, Inc) 3/31/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Acephale: Horror Fiction (Jeffrey Walker) 3/22/2024 [Bimonthly] [Link]
      Asimov’s Science Fiction (Asimov’s Science Fiction) 3/18/2024 [Bimonthly] [Link]
      CatsCast (Escape Artists, Inc.) 3/6/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Clarkesworld Magazine {452} (Clarkesworld Magazine) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Lightspeed Magazine {441} (Adamant Press) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Nightmare Magazine {191} (Adamant Press) 4/10/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Other Stories, The {391} (Hawk & Cleaver | A Digital Story Studio bringing you the best new stories to watch, read, sniff, and absorb.) 4/7/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Metaphorosis Magazine {76} (Metaphorosis Publishing) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Beneath Ceaseless Skies {144} (Beneath Ceaseless Skies Online Magazine) 4/4/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Nocturnal Transmissions {97} (Horror Enthusiast, Voice Actor, Podcaster – Kristin Holland) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Twilight Histories {58} (Dark Lord Studios) 3/27/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Nobilis Erotica {333} (Nobilis Reed) 3/24/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Sleepy {313} (Otis Gray) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Serving Worlds {222} (John Mierau) 4/4/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Journey Into… {262} (Marshal Latham) 3/28/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Twisted Mirror {12} (The Twisted Mirror) 4/5/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
  5. Fiction – Anthology (20 podcasts; 2964 unheard episodes; 42d 14h 30m 34s total listening time)

    Two or more stories (often both poetry and prose) in many episodes, sometimes accompanied by commentary, review, opinion, or discussion pieces by the host(s). Still just readings, but kind of like an audio magazine instead of an audiobook.

      TERROR RADIO (Radio Show Nerd) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Let’s Not Meet (Andy Tate) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Odd Trails (Andy Tate and Brandon Lanier) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Kaleidocast (Kaleidocast NYC) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Uncanny Magazine Podcast (Uncanny Magazine) 4/2/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Lost Sci-Fi (Scott Miller) 3/27/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Stories To Keep You Up At Night (Realm) 2/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Tales to Terrify {312} (Drew Sebesteny) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Paul Sating {230} (Paul Sating) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Creepy {229} (Bloody FM) 4/10/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      StarShipSofa {512} (Tony C Smith) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Tales from the Break Room {28} (Eeriecast Network) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      District of Wonders Patreon {103} (District of Wonders Exclusive RSS Podcast Feed) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Wrong Station {131} (The Wrong Station) 4/7/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Gallery of Curiosities {34} (Kevin Frost) 3/1/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Scarecast, The {42} (Michael Crutchfield) 2/27/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Skinner Co. Network, The {869} (JRD Skinner) 2/13/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Drabblecast Audio Fiction Podcast, The {386} (Norm Sherman) 2/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      WE’RE NOT MEANT TO KNOW {21} (WE’RE NOT MEANT TO KNOW) 2/16/2024 [Semimonthly] [Link]
      Witchever Path {67} (Witchever Path) 4/6/2024 [Semimonthly] [Link]
  6. Fiction – Audiobooks (0 podcasts; 0 unheard episodes; 0s total listening time)

    Generally a single reader reading a long-form piece (novel or a long novella) over numerous episodes. Occasionally also done as a full-cast recording with music and sound effects: an audio ‘movie,’ as it were. Each short episode will have the podcast’s intro and outro section, so it’s less like an audiobook in that respect. Sometimes includes Q&A episodes or other commentary from the author.

  7. Fiction – Audiodrama (58 podcasts; 1608 unheard episodes; 20d 13h 53m 56s total listening time)

    In the Golden Days of radio, a lot of shows were audiodramas. They had music, sound effects, and multiple voice actors. This lost art is coming back, but in the form of podcasts rather than on the radio. These are performances by actors, not just straight readings. The distinguishing feature: ongoing stories with arcs that go on for multiple episodes or seasons.

      Radio Mystery Theater (CBSRMT.com) (Radio Mystery Theater) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      SCP Archives (Bloody FM) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Consumed (iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      WOE.BEGONE (WOE.BEGONE Industries LLC) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Epic (Realm) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Undertow (Realm) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Malevolent (Harlan Guthrie) 4/4/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Ask Your Father (Gideon Media) 4/4/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Superhuman Public Radio (Superhuman Public Radio) 4/1/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Welcome to Night Vale (Night Vale Presents) 4/1/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Liminal Lands, The (Waymon Alexander) 3/31/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Redwood Bureau (Eeriecast Network) 3/30/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Thirteen (Imaginary Comma) 3/28/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Midnight Burger (Business Goose Media) 3/28/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Tower 4 (Bloody FM) 3/25/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Magic Isn’t Real (Magic Isn’t Real) 3/22/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Old Time Radiocast (Andy Tate) 3/20/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Don’t Mind (Fool and Scholar Productions) 3/20/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Realms of Peril & Glory (The Light & Tragic Company) 3/20/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Forgive Me! (Rogue Dialogue) 3/17/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Cellar Letters, The (Jamie Petronis) 3/15/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Stories from Among the Stars (Tor Labs / Gideon Media / Macmillan) 3/6/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Amelia Project, The (Imploding Fictions) 3/1/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Tiny Tales (R. E. Rule (Writer) & Frank Nawrot (Composer/Audio Engineer)) 2/26/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Unlikely Adventures of an Improbable Family, The (Markley Bros. Entertainment) 2/24/2024 [Bimonthly] [Link]
      Maxine Miles: Volume I (iHeartPodcasts) 2/13/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Ad Lucem (QCODE) 2/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Borrasca (QCODE) 2/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Almelem (Sean Williams) 2/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Kalila Stormfire’s Economical Magick Services (Lisette Alvarez) 2/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Wolf 359 (Kinda Evil Genius Productions, LLC) 2/5/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Ctrl-Alt-Destroy (Realm) 2/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Spider King (Realm) 2/2/2024 [Semimonthly] [Link]
      Dark Tome (Realm) 2/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      What Will Be Here? (Tal Minear | Realm) 2/1/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Sight Unseen (Wondery) 1/22/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Red Moon Roleplaying {345} (Red Moon Roleplaying) 4/12/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Antiquarium of Sinister Happenings, The {9} (Bloody FM) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Nightlight {41} (Ransom Media Productions) 3/21/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Thrilling Adventure Hour, The {74} (WorkJuice Corp) 3/11/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      SessionsX {25} (Matheus H. Macedo) 1/18/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Magnus Archives, The {276} (Rusty Quill) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      White Vault, The {80} (Fool and Scholar Productions) 4/4/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      We’re Alive {197} (Wayland Productions Inc) 3/27/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Leviathan Chronicles | The Rapscallion Agency, The {75} (Leviathan Audio Productions) 3/18/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Arden {55} (Wheyface Radio) 2/1/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Wake Of Corrosion {51} (Shadow & Static) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      COPPERHEART: A RiggStories Audio Drama {47} (Michael J Rigg, RiggStories.com) 2/29/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Memory Lane {15} (Realm) 2/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Give Me Away {13} (Gideon Media) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Once Upon A Wasteland: A Fallout Story {33} (Brad Williams) 4/8/2024 [Semimonthly] [Link]
      Curious Matter Anthology {14} (Knightsville Workshop) 3/19/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Storage Papers, The {81} (Jeremy Enfinger) 3/16/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery {79} (HartLife NFP) 3/12/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      DERELICT {15} (Night Rocket Productions) 2/19/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Desert Skies {14} (Jared Carter) 2/7/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Bridgewater {23} (iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild) 1/31/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      We Fix Space Junk {46} (Battle Bird Productions) 1/14/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  8. Fiction – Comedy (11 podcasts; 516 unheard episodes; 5d 4h 35m 2s total listening time)

    These are fiction podcasts for which the comedy element is the most important. Quite a few of them are improv, which may eventually become its own category.

      World Gone Wrong (Audacious Machine Creative) 4/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Madison On The Air (Chrisi Talyn Saje) 3/31/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      StarTripper!! (StarTripper!!) 3/23/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Spaceships (Headstage) 2/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Dispatches from the Multiverse {137} (Dispatches from the Multiverse) 3/19/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      My Dad Wrote A Porno {167} (My Dad Wrote A Porno) 3/24/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Oz 9 {111} (Gated Galaxies) 4/7/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Chris Chatman Do-Over, The (Audacy, Amy Poehler, and Paper Kite Podcasts) 3/14/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Alba Salix, Royal Physician {41} (Fable and Folly) 2/25/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Victoriocity {33} (Victoriocity) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Hello From The Magic Tavern {27} (Arnie Niekamp) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  9. Interview (10 podcasts; 715 unheard episodes; 12d 16h 1m 17s total listening time)

    People interviewing other people! About Things™. The subject varies, but the interview is the reason for the podcast. A lot of these could fit in two or three categories.

      Clear+Vivid with Alan Alda (Alan Alda) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Unfiltered Friends (Chris Thompson) 2/13/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      FBI Retired Case File Review {245} (Jerri Williams) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Ologies with Alie Ward {63} (Alie Ward) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus {9} (Lemonada Media) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown {48} (Mayim Bialik) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria {159} (Cara Santa Maria) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Alyssa Milano: Sorry Not Sorry {164} (Peace By Peace Productions) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Eating the Fantastic {10} (Scott Edelman) 4/5/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Numberphile Podcast, The {17} (Brady Haran) 1/16/2024 [Semimonthly] [Link]
  10. News & Politics (34 podcasts; 3643 unheard episodes; 46d 10h 39m 42s total listening time)

    The primary purpose of an episode is to inform the listener on current events in the news and politics.

      7, The (The Washington Post) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Up First (NPR) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Slate Debates (Slate Podcasts) 4/12/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      That’s Just Weird with Aaron Mahnke (Aaron Mahnke) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Consider This from NPR (NPR) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      FiveThirtyEight Politics (ABC News, 538, FiveThirtyEight, Galen Druke) 4/11/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      State of the World from NPR (NPR) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      NPR Politics Podcast, The (NPR) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      This Day in Esoteric Political History (Jody Avirgan & Radiotopia) 4/11/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Throughline (NPR) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Where There’s Woke (Thomas Smith) 4/10/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Cleanup on Aisle 45 (MSW Media) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Prosecuting Donald Trump (MSNBC) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Civics 101 (NHPR) 4/9/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Trump’s Trials (NPR) 4/6/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Past Present (Niki, Neil, and Natalia) 4/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Where There’s Woke Patron Feed (Where There’s Woke Patron Feed) 4/1/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Can He Do That? (The Washington Post) 3/29/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Weekly List, The (Amy Siskind) 3/17/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Embedded (NPR) 3/6/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Blindspot (The HISTORY® Channel and WNYC Studios) 2/22/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News (Rachel Maddow, MSNBC) 2/15/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra (Rachel Maddow, MSNBC) 2/15/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      OA Bonus Content {162} (OA Bonus Content) 4/12/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Opening Arguments {137} (Opening Arguments Media LLC) 4/12/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Post Reports {516} (The Washington Post) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Today, Explained {587} (Vox) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Gray Area with Sean Illing, The {545} (Vox) 4/8/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Jack {234} (MSW Media) 4/7/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Focus Group, The {8} (The Focus Group Podcast) 4/6/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Serious Inquiries Only Patron Feed {454} (Serious Inquiries Only) 4/1/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Serious Inquiries Only {576} (seriouspod.com) 3/30/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Real Story, The {347} (BBC World Service) 3/29/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Citations Needed {77} (Nima Shirazi and Adam Johnson) 3/27/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  11. Science (42 podcasts; 2983 unheard episodes; 33d 3h 39m 6s total listening time)

    The first few podcasts I ever listened to were science- or skepticism-related. I lump them together because, to me, they are inextricably bound. I have far fewer podcasts in this category because they started to repeat one another, and . . . Frankly, it was a lot of preaching to the choir. The few I still really enjoy are here.

      Science, Quickly (Scientific American) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Short Wave (NPR) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      European Skeptics Podcast, The (TheESP.eu) 4/12/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Science Vs (Spotify Studios) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Lost Women of Science (Lost Women of Science) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Nature Podcast (Springer Nature Limited) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Science Talk (Scientific American) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Unexplainable (Vox) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Astronomy Cast (Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      PNAS Science Sessions (PNAS) 4/8/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Sean Carroll’s Mindscape (Sean Carroll | Wondery) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Oh No, Ross and Carrie (Ross and Carrie) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      MonsterTalk (Blake Smith) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Skeptic Zone, The (Richard Saunders) 4/6/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, The (Dr. Steven Novella) 4/6/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      This Week in Science (Dr. Kirsten Sanford Science Media) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      What The If? (Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Taboo Science (Ashley Hamer) 4/4/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Podcast Of Unnecessary Detail, A (Festival of the Spoken Nerd) 4/2/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Dash of Science, A (Christopher Birkinbine) 3/31/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Malicious Life (Malicious Life) 3/31/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Black Box (The Guardian) 3/21/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Stable And Able (NikWik Productions) 2/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Curiosity Daily {100} (Discovery) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Just the Zoo of Us {190} (Ellen & Christian Weatherford) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      I Know Dino {383} (Garret and Sabrina) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Science Weekly {108} (The Guardian) 4/11/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      EVSN: Escape Velocity Space News {95} (Dr. Pamela Gay, Erik Madaus, Beth Johnson, Ally Pelphrey) 4/10/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      This Podcast Will Kill You {120} (Exactly Right Media – the original true crime comedy network) 4/9/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Universe Today Podcast {1022} (Fraser Cain) 4/8/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Sean Carroll’s Patreon {28} (Sean Carroll) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Strange Animals Podcast {48} (Katherine Shaw) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      MonsterTalk Patron Only RSS Feed {173} (MonsterTalk Patron Only RSS Feed) 4/7/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Squaring the Strange (Ben Radford, Celestia Ward and Pascual Romero) 4/5/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Houston We Have a Podcast {59} (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Ask a Spaceman! {221} (Paul M. Sutter) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      You’re Wrong About {168} (Sarah Marshall) 4/1/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Strange Animals Podcast Patreon Feed {20} (Feed the Patrons) 3/31/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      This Week in Evolution {46} (Vincent Racaniello) 2/27/2024 [Bimonthly] [Link]
      Rational View podcast with Dr. Al Scott, The {71} (Al Scott) 3/30/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Conspiracy Skeptic, The {92} (The HiveMind Group) 3/17/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      In Research Of {39} (William Blake Smith) 3/29/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  12. True Crime, Mystery, Weird (18 podcasts; 245 unheard episodes; 2d 0h 55m 2s total listening time)

    I realized I had a number of podcasts on my feed all dealing with true crime, mysteries, or just ‘weird’ topics in general. I created this group as a place to put them all, even if they’re not obviously interrelated.

      Criminal (Vox Media Podcast Network) 4/12/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Nighttime (Jordan Bonaparte / Curiouscast) 4/12/2024 [Semi-weekly] [Link]
      Destination Terror (Eeriecast Network) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Serial (Serial Productions & The New York Times) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Unexplained (iHeartPodcasts) 4/5/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Strange and Unexplained with Daisy Eagan (Strange and Unexplained with Daisy Eagan) 4/4/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Southern Fried True Crime (Erica Kelley) 3/26/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Family Ghosts (WALT FM) 3/19/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Atlanta Monster (iHeartPodcasts and Tenderfoot TV) 3/18/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Algorithm (iHeartPodcasts and TenderfootTV) 2/23/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      In The Dark (The New Yorker) 2/20/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Dr. Death (Wondery) 2/19/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Pleasing Terrors (Mike Brown) 1/17/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Secret Room, The {13} (Ben Hamm) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Consult: Real FBI Profilers, The {26} (PodcastOne) 4/10/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Otherworld {63} (Otherworld) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Nocturne {62} (Vanessa Lowe) 4/5/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      One Strange Thing {81} (One Strange Thing) 4/2/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
  13. Two Guys Talking (8 podcasts; 657 unheard episodes; 10d 9h 45m 52s total listening time)

    Basically, it’s just two people, usually men, talking to each other about . . . things. And stuff. <waves hands vaguely> Subjects vary. It’s the relationship of the hosts and their interaction that is the whole purpose of the podcast.

      Nuhaus Knows (Nuhaus Knows) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      No Dumb Questions (Destin Sandlin and Matt Whitman) 3/31/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Cortex (Relay FM) 3/22/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Artifexian Podcast, The (Edgar Grunewald & Bill McGrath) 3/20/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Unmade Podcast, The {58} (Tim Hein and Brady Haran) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Dead Robots’ Society, The {415} (The Dead Robots’ Society) 3/30/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      MASH Matters {60} (Jeff Maxwell & Ryan Patrick) 3/15/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Conlangery Podcast {124} (Conlangery Podcast) 2/27/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
  14. Writing (20 podcasts; 1660 unheard episodes; 18d 2h 26m 43s total listening time)

    The primary purpose of these podcasts is to discuss or teach about writing or publishing.

      I Should Be Writing (Mur Lafferty) 4/12/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Every Day Novelist, The (J. Daniel Sawyer) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Fabulist-only Murverse Feed (Mur Lafferty) 4/11/2024 [Daily] [Link]
      Shining Moon: A Speculative Fiction Podcast (Deborah L. Davitt) 4/10/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Creative Penn, The (Joanna Penn) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Writing Excuses (Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler) 4/7/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Creative Penn Community Patrons Only, The (Jo Penn) 3/21/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Let’s Make A Horror (CBC) 3/13/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Escape Artists Premium Content audio feed (Escape Artists Premium Content audio feed) 3/2/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      10 Minute Writer’s Workshop (New Hampshire Public Radio) 2/1/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Breaking the Glass Slipper {192} (Megan Leigh, Charlotte Bond, and Lucy Hounsom) 4/11/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Shit No One Tells You About Writing, The {74} (Bianca Marais, Carly Watters and CeCe Lyra) 4/11/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Imaginary Worlds {30} (Eric Molinsky) 4/10/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Dialogue Doctor Podcast, The {35} (Jeff Elkins) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Just Keep Writing {73} (justkeepwriting) 4/5/2024 [Biweekly] [Link]
      Helping Writers Become Authors {574} (K.M. Weiland) 4/1/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Odyssey SF/F Writing Workshop Podcasts {62} (Odyssey SF/F Workshop) 3/2/2024 [Monthly] [Link]
      Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy {547} (David Barr Kirtley and John Joseph Adams) 4/4/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Write-Minded {47} (Brooke Warner and Grant Faulkner) 4/8/2024 [Weekly] [Link]
      Write Now with Scrivener {26} (Literature & Latte) 4/3/2024 [Monthly] [Link]

This page was last updated on 4/12/2024 at 09:05.

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