YouTube Channels I Subscribe To

Sigh. I subscribe to a lot of channels. They fit roughly into categories, shown below. Not all of them are daily or even weekly. Some are extremely rarely updated, although on YouTube, it’s sometimes hard to tell. For instance, ZeFrank was gone for years and then came back with a vengeance with little to no warning. When I finally got off my butt and made a master spreadsheet of the channels I’m subscribed to and then wrote the C# program to convert that into the form you see below, I realized I was subscribed to way too many channels and immediately went on YouTube and ruthlessly unsubscribed from about half of them. What you see below is what remains as of the date given at the bottom, and is subject to change at basically a moment’s notice. The categories may also change; the code I wrote adapts pretty easily to any number of them, in any order. :)
YouTube channels (224 total):
In . . . an order. See if you can figure it out. :)
- Animals (6 channels)
They’re cute! They’re fuzzy/scaly/feathered/spiky/leathery/chitinous! They’re animals!
- Animalogic
- AnimalWonders Montana
- AntsCanada
- Big Cat Rescue
- Chandler’s Wild Life
- WildcatSanctuary
- ASMR (45 channels)
ASMR. Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It’s basically a made-up term that sounds high-fallutin’, but what it really describes is a tingly feeling some people get when they hear certain sounds, get personal attention, or see repetitive hand motions. It’s hard to describe, but if you want to see a pretty good description, go to any of these channels and check out the description under any video. They all define it. And if you want to know if you experience it (not everyone does), watch a couple.
- Ancient Whispers ASMR
- Articulate Design ASMR
- ASMR Muzz
- ASMR Whisper Time
- ASMR Wizard Whispers
- asmr zeitgeist
- ASMRrequests
- ASMRSoundSpace
- aussieASMRguy
- Austrasmr ASMR
- ChillFred
- Deluca ASMR
- Dr. T ASMR
- easyASMR
- easyNature
- Ephemeral Rift
- FredsVoice ASMR
- French Whisperer ASMR, The
- Gentle Whispering ASMR
- Harry ASMR
- Heather Feather ASMR
- Isabel imagination ASMR
- Late Night Tingles ASMR
- Latte ASMR
- Let’s Find Out ASMR
- Lord of ASMR, The
- Made In France ASMR
- Mauve ASMR
- Mr. Blue ASMR
- Netflix & Chills ASMR
- ObviouslyASMR
- Oracle ASMR
- Pandora ASMR
- Phoenician Sailor
- Pudding ASMR
- Relaxing Male ASMR
- Ricky Odriosola ASMR
- Scottish Murmurs ASMR
- SophieMichelle ASMR
- Soundbuds?
- SubtleSounds ASMR
- Tabuhan ASMR
- Tyson ASMR
- BTS (5 channels)
Behind the scenes. Some creators have secondary channels where they go behind the scenes or put off-topic videos that don’t necessarily fit on their primary channel.
- acapellascience2
- FeatherBrainedASMR
- Isabel backstage
- nottinghamscience
- Scam Stuff
- Comedy (3 channels)
This is a loose category. It’s basically the stuff that I think exists just for comedy, with no other purpose.
- AwakenWithJP
- Brad Gage Comedy
- Tripp and Tyler
- Entertainment (22 channels)
A few of these are quite informative, but I think this group’s main goal is entertainment, not education. I could be wrong.
- Bobby Duke Arts
- BradyStuff
- CaptainDisillusion
- Cayleigh Elise
- D!NG
- Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
- King of Random, The
- misterdeity
- Modern Rogue, The
- Mona Moansalot
- Moth, The
- Muppets, The
- Nicole Mayhem
- Scam School
- Simon’s Cat
- Slow Mo Guys 2, The
- Slow Mo Guys, The
- Sound Traveler, The
- Talking Kitty Cat
- Tom Scott
- Trae Crowder
- Food (10 channels)
I admit it. I watch people on Youtube cook food. But only a few. Ish.
- Bon Appetit
- Delish
- emmymadeinjapan
- Guga Foods
- Maangchi
- Pasta Grannies
- SORTEDfood
- Sous Vide Everything
- Stay At Home Chef, The
- VeganBlackMetalChef
- Friend (5 channels)
I have friends who have Youtube channels. I subscribe to some of them.
- Dee Dreslough
- Ian Smith
- Nick Falkner
- Talya Tate Boerner
- That Geek Brian
- Health (1 channels)
Primary focus is health, diet, etc.
- Workout With Wickham
- Language (5 channels)
Language fascinates me. Always has. So of course I found channels on YouTube that deal with language and language creation.
- Biblaridion
- David Peterson
- Leornende Eald Englisc
- NativLang
- wordsoftheworld
- Learning (53 channels)
Even though these are all entertaining and fun, their primary purpose (as far as I’m concerned) is to educate the viewer.
- 2veritasium
- Astronomy Cast
- BrainCraft
- CGP Grey
- Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Computerphile
- CrashCourse
- Deep Astronomy
- DeepSkyVideos
- European Southern Observatory (ESO)
- Facts in Motion
- Good Stuff, The
- Gross Science
- Hot Mess
- HubbleESA
- It’s Okay To Be Smart
- Jake Roper
- Kurzgesagt ? In a Nutshell
- Mark Rober
- Mental Floss
- MinuteEarth
- minutephysics
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- NASA Spitzer
- Numberphile
- Numberphile2
- Objectivity
- Origin Of Everything
- PBS Eons
- PBS Idea Channel
- PBS Infinite Series
- PBS Space Time
- Periodic Videos
- Physics Girl
- Primitive Technology
- Quirkology
- Rare Earth
- ScienceAtNASA
- Sciencium
- Sixty Symbols
- Smarter Every Day 2
- SmarterEveryDay
- TheBadAstronomer
- thebrainscoop
- Think Fact
- Townsends
- Universe Unplugged
- Veritasium
- Vihart
- Vsauce
- Vsauce2
- Vsauce3
- LGBTQ+ (2 channels)
Channels whose primary raison d’etre is to talk about LGBTQ+ issues. Started as research for something I was writing, but I really enjoyed these guys’ content, so I stayed.
- Billy-Joe newington
- Jammidodger
- Music (43 channels)
The thing about music channels is that they’re not updated very frequently (for the most part), and when they are, the videos are very seldom more than five minutes. So they’re like candy. :)
- 12tone
- 7thAve Band
- acapellascience
- Accent Vocal
- Ali Spagnola
- Avriel & the Sequoias
- Basement Alchemy
- Cassandre
- Charles Cornell
- Chase Holfelder
- Citizen Queen
- duwendemusic
- Evynne Hollens
- Frog Leap Studios
- Gregory Brothers, The
- Hound + The Fox, The
- Jared Halley
- KO
- Malukah
- Matt Cardle
- melodysheep
- Nick Pitera
- OK Go
- Overtones, The
- Paint
- Paweł Danielak
- Peter Hollens
- Playing for Change
- PomplamooseMusic
- PTXofficial
- Scary Pockets
- schmoyoho
- Sideways
- Stephen Kendrick
- Straight No Chaser
- Tara Simon Studios
- Ten Second Songs
- TheSwingles
- Translator Fails
- Us The Duo
- Vektormusic
- VoicePlay
- Walk off the Earth
- News (1 channels)
News. Because I’m me, it’s mostly science-related stuff.
- Above The Noise
- Vlog (16 channels)
I watch a very few folks to talk about their day/life on their channel.
- chestersee
- CrapMGTV
- DissociaDID
- easyVLOG
- Jessica Kellgren-Fozard
- Joshua Alexander
- JoshuaDTV
- Kazper Kreationz
- KnightAdventures
- Madnezz Channel
- MikeMGTV
- paintchips
- PTXVlogs
- SupDaily06
- WheezyNews
- WheezyWaiter
- World Building (4 channels)
World-building refers to creating fictional worlds from the ground up. Or the star out. Can also involve constructing one or more languages. The channels here represent everything from making a stellar system with planets and moons, putting continents and oceans (with currents) on one or more of the planets, designing civilizations to exist on said planet(s), and what languages they speak. Trade, winds, magic, physics, history…it’s all there.
- Artifexian
- Haunted Automaton
- Juliette Wade
- Worldbuilding Notes
- Writing (3 channels)
Writers talking about writing. As if I didn’t get711825 enough of that every day. :)
- Angry Writer
- Chris Fox
- Flash Fiction Online
This page was last updated on 02/27/2020 at 18:03.