
Writing Report, October 2018

Fountain Pen

Full disclosure: I’ve written this post very after-the-fact. In December, 2018. But I decided to take a cue from podcaster Chris Lester and sort of do a ‘writing update’ thing. And why let a little thing like ‘it was two months ago’ stand in my way?

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been using a spreadsheet and a work-scheduling app to track words written and time spent. I decided to do a monthly wrap-up.

I had a really hard time with several scenes in my novel, and several days of struggling before I realized I didn’t have to write sequentially and started skipping around. I wasn’t feeling it as much in October as in September, but I persevered. On several days when I couldn’t be bothered to write in the novel, I wrote something else. Anything else. Journal entries about why I was struggling to write, etc. But I kept at it every day, at least. And don’t think I didn’t count the words I wrote on two blog posts (one, two). ;)

For October, 2018, my stats are

  • Words: 20,175
    • Daily average words: 651
  • Time: 1268 minutes (21 hours, 8 minutes)
    • Daily average time: 40:54 min
  • Average words/hour: 954
  • Chain: 31 days
  • Level: 2
  • Quota: 300 words/day
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Gary Henderson is an amateur author who lives in the Greater Atlanta Metropolitan Area with a chef housemate. By day he is a mild-mannered software developer working for a major health-care company. By night and on weekends, he occasionally creates and destroys worlds.

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